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  • Why 49 Mountains? | 49 MTNS University

    So Many Choices Actually... Only 7 "Ministry Spheres" are often referred to as "Spheres of Influence" We call them "Ministry Spheres of Influence" Ministry Spheres of Influence are those we are blessed to influence toward Christ through our life of service. ​ 7 Ministry Spheres of Influence = 7 Mountains (same principle similar terms) ​ If at the highest "Mountain" of each of the 7 Ministry Spheres of Influence was a God-Fearing, Bible-Believing, Yielded-to-Jesus-Hearted individual then one could say that all 7 Mountains were under the dominion (*authority) of Christ Jesus. Every Christian has multiple spheres of influence to take the Salt & Light of Christ, and most have a primary Ministry Sphere of Influence ​ Every career field and every calling fall into one of the 7 Mountains shown below ​ As you read through the 7 Ministry Spheres of Influence below, ask "Lord, what is my calling, what ministry sphere(s) can my life influence with the Salt & Light of Christ?" Mountain #1 Church Ministry Sphere The Church is God’s plan to reach the world. Some are called to serve within the church. The role of those within the church and those with these Kingdom Gifts are called to equip Christians to do works of service (in all 7 Mountains). Ephesians 4:11-16 Click to watch inspirational stories of ordinary people, yielding to Jesus, to do extraordinary work to disciple nations on the "Church Mountain " Video Mountain #2 Family Ministry Sphere If the The Church is God’s plan to reach the world, then the family is God’s plan to reach the individual. Some are called to serve within the family structure of husband and wife. The role of those within the family are made clear in the verses: Ephesians 5:22-6:4 Click to watch inspirational stories of ordinary people, yielding to Jesus, to do extraordinary work to disciple nations on the "Family Mountain " Video Mountain #3 Education Ministry Sphere Click to watch inspirational stories of ordinary people, yielding to Jesus, to do extraordinary work to disciple nations on the "Education Mountain " Every child around the world goes through some form of education process. After the church sphere and the family sphere, the education sphere is the most influential sphere! Educators can serve in formal educations systems (schools) and informal education systems (apprenticeships, internships). The Bible is clear regarding the importance of biblical education starting from infancy. Proverbs 22:6 ​ ​ Video Mountain #4 Media Ministry Sphere Media advertisers spend millions & billions of dollars to advertise on media platforms (news, information, and entertainment). Advertisers understand the power of media to influence large audiences. In today’s world media shapes how many individuals around the world think about current events. Media can either point an individual toward God or toward the world’s system. Romans 12:2 ​ ​ ​ Click to watch inspirational stories of ordinary people, yielding to Jesus, to do extraordinary work to disciple nations on the "Media Mountain " Video Mountain #5 Service Ministry Sphere Click to watch inspirational stories of ordinary people, yielding to Jesus, to do extraordinary work to disciple nations on the "Service Mountain " Public service is a calling, serving the wider community through medicine, law, civil roles, and government offices. The government structures establish community conformity through rules, laws, and regulations for the benefit of the community. Matthew 20:25-28 ​ ​ ​ ​ Video Mountain #6 Business Ministry Sphere Business includes the management, production, distribution, and consumption of the communities’ resources, goods, and services. It also includes the business and the trading of goods for a profit. Those in business are commanded to deal fairly and honestly. Proverbs 20:23, Leviticus 19:35-36 ​ ​ ​ Click to watch inspirational stories of ordinary people, yielding to Jesus, to do extraordinary work to disciple nations on the "Business Mountain " Video Mountain #7 Arts & Athletics Ministry Sphere Arts & Athletics are sometimes referred to as “celebrations.” The Arts & Athletics Sphere of influence should be a celebration of gifts. Yes, athletics are often a competition, yet even in the act of competition, there is a celebration of gifts. Gifts that point back to the creator of all. Psalm 19:1, Corinthians 9:24-27, Genesis 1:1 ​ ​ ​ Click to watch inspirational stories of ordinary people, yielding to Jesus, to do extraordinary work to disciple nations on the "Arts & Athletics Mountain " Video Why 49 Mountains? The "7 Ministry Spheres of Influence" are the "7 Mountains" In 1975, two Christian leaders, Dr. Bill Bright and Loren Cunningham got together to give each other a message from God. To their amazement, each had the same message, independently given to them by God, to give to the other. Bill Bright was the founder of the world’s largest ministry (at that time), Campus Crusade for Christ, a worldwide ministry with 26,000 full-time employees and missionaries in 191 countries. Loren Cunningham was the founder of Youth With A Mission (YWAM), a ministry with 20,000 full-time staff of more than 150 nationalities (at that time). Both of these individuals brought the Gospel to millions around the world. However, God showed both of them that many areas of modern culture still needed the Gospel. The Lord showed them "seven major areas of society," or “7 Mountains” as they called them, which needed godly people to influence these area of society, thereby influencing untold millions who were engaged in those "7 Mountains" of society. About a month later, Francis Schaeffer, leader of L’Brai Fellowship, heard the same message from God about the "7 Mountains." These "7 Mountains " in the order of the greatest potential impact are: 1. Church, 2. Family, 3. Education, 4. Media, 5. Service, 6. Business, and 7. Arts and Athletics. If there are only "7 Mountains" why "49 Mountains?" 49 Mountains = 7 Mountains x 7 Regions The 7 Regions of the World ​ Traveling the world to over 20 countries it became obvious that the "Influencer" in the West did not have the same influence in the East and vice versa. "49 Mountains" is a way of saying let God have all dominion (*authority ) in all 7 Mountains multiplied by the 7 Regions , or simply 49 Mountains symbolically representing all nations. *After Jesus' resurrection, Jesus states "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me" in Matthew 28:18 7 Mountains x 7 Regions = 49 Mountains The 7 Regions follow roughly the 7 Continents: 1. Asia, 2. Africa, 3. Europe, 4. Latin America, 5. North America, 6. Pacifica, and 7. Antarctica representing the least reached areas of the world. ​ There are only 7 Mountains/Spheres of Influence. Yet, because each Continent has its own culture(s), language(s), and its own distinct characteristics, each Continent needs its own influencers on each of the 7 Mountains/Spheres of Influence to help fulfill Christ's Great Commission "disciple all the nations " from Matthew 28:18-20 (YLT Young's Literal Translation). ​ It is vital to seek to disciple all nations , and not become complacent with a few "Mountains/Spheres of Influence" reached with the Salt and Light of Jesus, or to become complacent with a few discipled countries. ​ Why 49 Mountains ? 7 Mountains x 7 Regions = 49 Mountains ​ The Asia Region needs influencers in each of the 7 Mountains in Asia to disciple all the Asian Countries The Africa Region needs influencers in each of the 7 Mountains in Africa to disciple all the African Countries The Europe Region needs influencers in each of the 7 Mountains in Europe to disciple all the European Countries The Latin America Region needs influencers in each of the 7 Mountains in Latin America to disciple all the Latin American Countries The North America Region needs influencers in each of the 7 Mountains in North America to disciple all the North American Countries The Pacifica Region needs influencers in each of the 7 Mountains in Pacifica to disciple all the Pacifica Countries The Antarctica - Least Reached Regions - needs influencers in each of the 7 Mountains to disciple all the Least Reached Countries ​ Therefore, before considering the class, the course, or the credentials ~ one should consider the question... Lord, what is my calling? What is my primary "Sphere of Influence " at this time, and What geographical "Region of the World " have You called me to serve? or, as we like to say "Lord, what Mountain may *I claim for you today?" (*recognizing that it is Christ through my-yielded-life Galatians 2:20, John 15:5)

  • #3 Education Mountain Inspiration | 49 MTNS University

    Be Inspired: Ministry Sphere 3. Education Mountain © 49 Mountains Terms of Use Privacy Policy David Barton (click image above to play the inspiring video) Will Your Story be Next? (send stories to ) Will Your Story be Next? (send stories to ) Will Your Story be Next? (send stories to )

  • #4 Media Mountain Inspiration | 49 MTNS University

    Be Inspired: Ministry Sphere 4. Media Mountain © 49 Mountains Terms of Use Privacy Policy Lee Strobel (click image above to play the inspiring video) Christian Broadcasting Network (click image above to play the inspiring video) Trans World Radio (click image above to play the inspiring video) Will Your Story be Next? (send stories to )

  • Degrees Offered | 49 MTNS University

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  • About | 49 MTNS University

    私達がすること 牧師による親の意図的な懲戒、および 親による子供の意図的な懲戒 コラボレーティブ&イノベーティブ コミュニティ開発 連絡する サポートサービス Get in Touch 教育とアウトリーチ Get in Touch

  • Training & Degrees | 49 MTNS University

    What is Your Calling? Before considering the class , the course , or the credentials ~ one should consider the question ... Lord, what is my calling? ​ Knowing one's calling will determine the best type of training to be equipped to fulfill the calling. To help you discover your calling, answer the three questions below . Then, take the first step of faith today! ​ Do you love studying, seeking the deeper meaning of a passage, do you long to fully understand & share the entire Bible, do you need or want a formal degree from an associates degree, bachelors, or even a master's degree? If this describes you , then explore: Formal Training University University courses are only available online ~ image for illustrative purposes Do you desire to better understand your calling, and/or you need a specific skill set, like working with children, or the basics of studying, teaching, and leading a Bible study class, or small group? If this describes you , then explore: Informal Training Academy Do you have a sense of urgency to meet the needs in your family or in your community "today!" Do you have a conviction to start ministering as soon as you are able? If this describes you , then explore: Experiential Training Ministry Spheres 49 Mountains University : Formal Training Lectures, Assigned Reading, Reports, Tests, & Accreditation Through a strategic networking relationship with Christian Life School of Theology 49 Mountains University can offer Ministry Degrees (with a major discount ) 49 MU Click Here: Ministry Diplomas Click Here: Ministry Degrees Click Here: Higher Education Kingdom Impact: Discover your Life Calling & Multiply Your Kingdom Impact Children's Ministry: GameLife Experiential Education for Children Bible: Biblical Hebrew for Beginners 49 Mountains Academy : Informal Training Classes, Workshops, Training, & Practice to Gain/Improve a Practical Ministry Skill (Certifications Offered ) Click below to see the Growing List of Academy Training Classes (links coming soon) 49 MA 49 MS 49 Mountains *Ministry Spheres : Experiential Training Hands-on-Ministry, Immediately Start Serving (Personal Coaching Available ) Click below to see the Growing List of Practical Ministries you can literally start today (links coming soon) "*Ministry Spheres" are often referred to as "Spheres of Influence" Ministry Spheres of Influence are those we are blessed to influence through our life of service Click here to discover your Ministry Sphere of Influence Spheres of Influence Every time we touch someone's life in the name of Christ we set in motion a series of ripples well beyond our touch. Every Christian has multiple spheres of influence to take the Salt & Light of Christ. Let us be found faithful. “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet." 14 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." Matthew 5:13-16

  • #6 Business Mountain Inspiration | 49 MTNS University

    Be Inspired: Ministry Sphere 6. Business Mountain © 49 Mountains Terms of Use Privacy Policy Truett Cathy (Founder of Chick-fil-A) (click image above to play the inspiring video) Will Your Story be Next? (send stories to ) Will Your Story be Next? (send stories to ) Will Your Story be Next? (send stories to )

  • Our Network | 49 MTNS University

    私たちのネットワーク 太陽が沈まない グローバルチルドレンズネットワーク 下の地域をクリックしてください あなたの言語でリソースを発見する

  • 49 Mountains University | Terms of Use

    Store Policies: Store Policies 私たちの店 私たちはリソースのライブラリを拡大し続けています。 GCNのユニークな点は、教会に無料で提供する優れた多言語デジタルリソースです。私たちの図書館には、牧師、両親、教会のボランティアのための資料が含まれており、教会や家庭で霊的指導者になり、指導するように訓練しています。

  • 49 Mountains University | Resources

    Store Policies: Store Policies 私たちの店 親牧師と子供のための意図的な懲戒ツール リーダー、そして子供たち アイテムを保存する 近日公開 私たちはリソースのライブラリを拡大し続けています。 GCNのユニークな点は、教会に無料で提供する優れた多言語デジタルリソースです。私たちの図書館には、牧師、両親、教会のボランティアのための資料が含まれており、教会や家庭で霊的指導者になり、指導するように訓練しています。

  • #2 Family Mountain Inspiration | 49 MTNS University

    Be Inspired: Ministry Sphere 2. Family Mountain © 49 Mountains Terms of Use Privacy Policy Robertson McQuilken (click image above to play the inspiring video) Will Your Story be Next? (send stories to ) Will Your Story be Next? (send stories to ) Will Your Story be Next? (send stories to )

  • 49 Mountains University | Store Policies

    私たちのストアポリシー 私たちは、弟子作りのプロセスを支援し、公正でやりがいのある、 と楽しいショッピング体験。 店舗ポリシーの詳細は以下のとおりです。 ご覧になり、お問い合わせください あなたがもっと学びたいなら! GCNストアポリシー 近日公開

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